

get stateNamespace()

Defines the namespace on the Redux store for the Controller. Multiple controllers can share the same namespace.

import {BaseController} from 'repertoire'

export default class AdminController extends BaseController {
  // the section of the redux store which this controller will operate on
  get stateNamespace() {
    return 'admin';

get state()

Getter which can be used the retrieve the current Redux store state inside an action, conveniently as this.state

import {BaseController} from 'repertoire'

export default class MyController extends BaseController {
  incrementCounter() {
    return {
      counter: this.state.counter + 1

set state(definition)

Setter which defines the Redux store state which will be mapped to the React component.

import {BaseController} from 'repertoire'

export default class MyController extends BaseController {
  constructor(component) {
    this.state = {
      counter(store) {
        return store.counter || 0;



This performs a call to the connect() utility from react-redux given the currently defined actions and store state from the controller.

The resulting reducers and middleware watchers won't be added to the global reducer until the component is appended to the root component, usually as a Route using the React-Router.


This is the same as .connect() but the resulting reducers and middleware watchers will be added immediately to the global reducer.

import AppController from './controller.js'

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div />;

export default new AppController(App).directConnect('App');

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